A few years ago in 2008 we started getting feedback on the access route from Helston Amenity area to Penrose. People were telling us how much they enjoyed it, how popular it was and how great it was to be able to get from Helston to Penrose along a flat route that runs through such a beautiful place full of wildlife.
Before, preparation work |

So far - so good.....but as with all good feedback people were also telling us how we could make it even better, help people make more of it, appreciate what an amazing resource it is...
The main suggestion was to improve the surface of the route, it was worn, uneven, difficult to use for bikes, pushchairs, wheelchairs and tricky in paces for jogging....more elderly walkers were telling us how they would like more places to rest and enjoy the scenery, as were wheelchair users and their families
The whole route from Helston to Loe Pool is 2 kilometres in total, and at the start it felt like an enormous challenge, we sucked our teetch, scratched our heads....but local people encouraged us to try a small section as a trial, see what we could do and take it from there....
Well...... the feedback we had from the first section was really positive, and helped give us the encouragement to find more funding from the Trust (and a very kind local donation) for what we are calling Phase 2 (not very original, I know)
This work is now underway this week and will be complete by the weekend - an extra 500 metres of new, flat even surface (and 4 new benches) to help everyone enjoy this great place. And it also means that we are now well over halfway along the whole route, with less than 750 metres to go before we reach the Pool and parkland
How long will that take I wonder ? Two years ?, three maybe ? We need to find more money but we are determined to reach the target. Any ideas
I'll post again once the work is finished and the route open again, but in the meantime why not pencil in a visit for the weekend, see what you think and tell us about your visit...