Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Outdoor Gym Open For Business

The first stage of the outdoor gym project is now complete and the gym is now officially open for use. The five pieces of apparatus are located to the side of the main drive between the coast path entrance at bar lodge, and the main house, on a very popular part of the estate with local runners, walkers and cyclists. So far in the past week we have seen many people young and old using the gym and we have had some really positive feedback so far. If you try out the gym please let us know what you think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Is there an age limit for this gym,might be interested in trying when on holiday as i go bodyboarding alot and try and get fitter.
    I like walking alot and you may be able to get more people and set up a regular club and get employees to use it on a regular basis. I hope i have not upset or offended anyone thought it might get lots more tourists using it when on holiday.


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